Screening: Cheng Xinhao 放映:程新皓,伦敦,2019

通过众筹的方式,将艺术家程新皓邀请到伦敦。为此次众筹制作的出版物《盘龙江植物图考》正是我们邀请程新皓在伦敦进行的《不列颠植物图考》的一个呼应。这是程新皓第一次走出中国,而他的创作方式在西方的语境中是十分特殊的。因此我们与伦敦小众影院Close-up Cinema合作,举办了一场程新皓作品的放映和分享会。

Through crowdfunding, we invited artist Cheng Xinhao to come to London. The publication "A Study of Plants in the Panlong River," created through this crowdfunding campaign, is a response to Cheng Xinhao's "A Study of British Plants," which he conducted in London. This is Cheng Xinhao's first time leaving China, and his creative approach is very unique in the Western context. Therefore, we collaborated with the Close-up Cinema in London to hold a screening and sharing session of Cheng Xinhao's works.